Sunday, August 31, 2008


gubernatorial \GOO-ber-nuh-TOR-ee-uhl\, adjective:

Of or pertaining to a governor.

In 1780 John Hancock was elected the first governor of Massachusetts under its new constitution and thereafter was easily reelected whenever he chose to run. His gubernatorial career was marked by his inability to prevent a fiscal and currency crisis in the mid-1780s.
-- "John Hancock", The Reader's Companion to American History
Jesse Ventura did not abandon his rough habits or smooth his swagger during the gubernatorial campaign, and a plurality of the audience evidently felt charmed rather than insulted.
-- Paul Gray, "Body Slam", Time, November 16, 1998
Prisoners, the vast majority of them lifers in a state where a life term means life, blamed their despair on tough parole laws and a dearth of gubernatorial pardons.
-- Jill Smolowe, "Bringing Decency Into Hell", Time, December 14, 1992
The popular voice, at the next gubernatorialelection, though loud as thunder, will be really but an echo of what these gentlemen shall speak, under their breath, at yourfriend's festive board.
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables

Gubernatorial is from Latin gubernator, "governor," from gubernare, "to govern," which is also the source of govern.

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