Saturday, September 20, 2008


proponent \pruh-POH-nuhnt\, noun:

One who argues in support of something; an advocate; a supporter.

A fervent proponent of the work ethic, Reuther at first resisted the demand for early retirement, as he had rejected shorter hours in the 1950s.
-- Stanley Aronowitz, From the Ashes of the Old
He was a forthright proponent of the Vietnam War, contemptuous of the anti-war movement.
-- Richard Siklos, Shades of Black
As the first practical proponent of "natural" education--where the innate desire to learn is nourished and curiosity is unfettered--Pestalozzi abandoned the tradition of interminable lectures followed by student recitation that characterized typical instruction for all age groups, in favor of more active, hands-on activities.
-- Norman Brosterman, Inventing Kindergarten
Now, at the dawn of the new millennium, proponents of string theory claim that the threads of this elusive unified tapestry finally have been revealed.
-- Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe

Proponent is from the present participle of Latin proponere, "to put forth," from pro-, "forth" + ponere, "to put."

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