Monday, November 24, 2008



escutcheon \ih-SKUHCH-uhn\, noun:

1. a shield decorated with a coat of arms
2. the protective metal plate around a keyhole and lock, drawer handle or pull, light switch, etc.
3. the panel on a ship's stern bearing her name

The news comes as a blow to Lafcad's older brother Andrew, the coolest head in the family, who is embarking on a campaign for state auditor and doesn't think another blot on the escutcheon will do much for his chances.
-- Charles Isherwood, Moonlight and Muddle for a Loopy New Orleans Family in 'Ridiculous Fraud, New York Times, May 15, 2002
Being drunk, disorderly and violent merits a crack on the head with a truncheon, a night in chokey and a blot on your escutcheon.
-- Ed West, Don't blame drinkers -- it's the problem drinks, Daily Telegraph, July 22, 2003

by 1480, from Old North French escuchon, variant of Old French escusson, from Latin scutum "shield"

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