ultimate \UHL-tuh-mit\, adjective, noun:
1. last possible, final; coming at the end
2. an ultimate point, result, fact, or other extreme condition
3. pertaining to an extremity; beyond which there is nothing or nothing greater
4. fundamental; basic; original
Now we want to take steps into the outside world under more robust
situations, Han said. "The ultimate goal is to outfit an entire home
or building."
-- Will Shanley, Denver Post, 11/2/2004
For Olivas, it was a family affair. Her dad was in the 82 nd Airborne,
her cousin in the air force and another relative who paid the ultimate
price in Afghanistan.
-- Arizona Family, 11/11/2008
by 1654, from Late Latin ultimatus, from ultimare "to be final, come
to an end," from ultimus "last, final," superlative of ulter "beyond."
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