Friday, August 28, 2009


delectation \dee-lek-TAY-shun\, noun:

Great pleasure; delight, enjoyment.

Example Quotes:

Even after the buffet had evolved into the more functional sideboard in the 18th century, lavish arrangements of silver and porcelain continued to be laid out for the delectation of guests at large dinners.
-- Pilar Viladas, "That's Entertaining!", New York Times, March 24, 2002
At other times she'll get so worked up by some pet poeticism that she forgets she's not writing just for her own delectation.
-- David Klinghoffer, "Black madonna", National Review, February 9, 1998

Example Sentences:

The smooth, quiet ride of his Prius made driving it a source of great delectation.
-- Brought to you by the 3rd Generation Prius

Delectation derives from Latin delectatio, from the past participle of delectare, "to please."

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