Monday, October 28, 2013


yoho \yoh-HOH\, interjection:

1. (used as a call or shout to attract attention, accompany effort, etc.)

1. to shout "yo-ho!"

Taking down a wheezy and tattered concertina, the greasy cook sang in a raucous tone a ditty he had composed. "Yoho, me hearties, hark t'me, pay 'eed now whilst I sing…"
-- Brian Jacques, The Rogue Crew: A Tale of Redwall, 2011
"Yo ho," said the Egg. "Yo ho," said the Bean. "Yo ho," said Pongo. "You know my uncle, Lord Ickenham, don't you?" "Oh, rather," said the Egg. "Yo ho, Lord Ickenham."
-- P. G. Wodehouse, Cocktail Time, 1958

Yoho entered English in the 1700s as a transcription of the spoken greeting.

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