Thursday, July 3, 2008


tutelage \TOO-tuhl-ij; TYOO-\, noun:

1. The act of guarding or protecting; guardianship; protection.
2. The state of being under a guardian or tutor.
3. Instruction, especially individual instruction accompanied by close attention and guidance.

But he was not yet free of his father's legal tutelage and had still to decide on a career.
-- Roland Huntford, Nansen: The Explorer as Hero
This was the Puerto Rico that the United States invaded on July 25, 1898--a country that wanted political, economic, and social justice, but not colonial tutelage, however well meant.
-- Jose Trias Monge, Puerto Rico: The Trials of the Oldest Colony in the World
Many years under my grandfather's tutelage had made me the best calligrapher in the entire school.
-- Da Chen, Colors of the Mountain
Under her tutelage he picks up not only Greek but Hebrew, Arabic and Japanese before moving on to the rest of the major spoken languages and a slew of minor ones.
-- Myla Goldberg, "Paternity Suitor", New York Times, October 15, 2000

Tutelage is from Latin tutela, "protection; guardian" (from the past participle of tueri, "to watch, to guard") + the suffix -age.

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