Wednesday, September 24, 2008


numismatics \noo-miz-MAT-iks; -mis-; nyoo-\, noun:

the collection and study of money (and coins in particular).

If [the modern counterfeiter] is satisfied with a so-so product, perhaps hoping to pass it in a crowded fast-food restaurant or in a saloon's dim light, he can download images of genuine bills from the Internet, simply by getting access to the Web site of a numismatics club, then run off his own bills.
-- "Officials Wary of Wave of Computer Counterfeiters", New York Times, March 12, 1998, in the main, an auxiliary to the knowledge of the trade and mutual intercourse of the ancients.
-- J. Leitch

Numismatics ultimately derives from the Greek nomos, a custom or convention, which has the derivative nomisma, anything sanctioned by custom, especially the current State coin. It can also refer to the study and collection of medals.

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