Sunday, October 19, 2008


alfresco \al-FRES-koh\, adverb:

1. In the open air; outdoors.
2. Taking place or located in the open air; outdoor.

Turner escaped from the entangled politics of London's art world, where the Royal Academy was marooned in petty disputes, to paint alfresco on the riverbanks.
-- Siri Huntoon, "Down by the Riverside", New York Times, November 7, 1993
Outdoor sitting areas all have LAN connections, so that employees can work alfresco.
-- Scott Kirsner, "Digital Competition - Laurie A. Tucker", Fast Company, December 1999
I sailed past alfresco cafes filled with young people reading the paper, past restaurants doing a thriving brunch business, and ended up dropping down a fairly steep hill to the water yet again, on an obscure street that ended near a big factory.
-- Gary Kamiya, "An ode to Sydney", Salon, September 27, 2000

Alfresco is from the Italian al fresco, "in the fresh (air)," from al, "in the" (a, "to, in" + il, "the") + fresco, "fresh."

2008/10/19 Doctor Dictionary <> Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Saturday, October 18, 2008

alfresco \al-FRES-koh\, adverb:

1. In the open air; outdoors.
2. Taking place or located in the open air; outdoor.

Turner escaped from the entangled politics of London's art world, where the Royal Academy was marooned in petty disputes, to paint alfresco on the riverbanks.
-- Siri Huntoon, "Down by the Riverside", New York Times, November 7, 1993
Outdoor sitting areas all have LAN connections, so that employees can work alfresco.
-- Scott Kirsner, "Digital Competition - Laurie A. Tucker", Fast Company, December 1999
I sailed past alfresco cafes filled with young people reading the paper, past restaurants doing a thriving brunch business, and ended up dropping down a fairly steep hill to the water yet again, on an obscure street that ended near a big factory.
-- Gary Kamiya, "An ode to Sydney", Salon, September 27, 2000

Alfresco is from the Italian al fresco, "in the fresh (air)," from al, "in the" (a, "to, in" + il, "the") + fresco, "fresh." Entry and Pronunciation for alfresco

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101 Questions Answered!
What is Hezbollah? What are stem cells?
How'd those swimsuits get so skimpy?

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