Sunday, December 14, 2008


cached \kasht\, adjective:

1. stored; hidden
2. in computing, stored in a part of memory used as a cache

MacMillan wrote to his sponsors at the National Geographic Society, "I am more convinced than ever that far northern Arctic work will never be done by heavier than air machines simply because landing places are uncertain and caches of food and gas cannot be depended upon.
-- Raimund E. Goerler, To the Pole - The Diary and Notebook of Richard E. Byrd, 1925-1927, 1925
I switch on the Garmin to find my first way point, where I've cached a 2-gallon bag of water. The device's little floating arrow guides me to within 3 feet of the rock under which I hid it.
-- Dan Neil, Los Angeles Times, 5/4/2008
The chief had two particularly fine horses, which so excited his cupidity that one night he drove them off and "cached"-that is, hid-them in a safe place. The chief looked for them high and low, but without success.
-- Theodore Roosevelt, Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail

by 1797, from French Canadian trappers' slang, "hiding place for stores" (c.1669), from French cacher "conceal," from Vulgar Latin coacticare "store up, collect, compress," from Latin coactare "constrain," from cogere "to collect"

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