Monday, February 23, 2009


ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:

three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text

These efforts are to no avail, however, because the author can't leave anything unsaid, any ellipsis gaping: sooner or later someone will say what everything means, and maybe more than once.
-- Frank Rich, Arthur Miller's 'Danger: Memory!', New York Times, February 9, 1987
Mr. Gabler postulates the skip of an eye from one ellipsis to another, leading to the omission of several lines -- the longest omission in the book.
-- Richard Ellmann, Finally, the Last Word on 'Ulysses': The Ideal Text, and Portable Too, New York Times, June 15, 1986

by 1570, from Latin ellipsis, from Greek elleipsis "a falling short, defect, ellipse," from elleipein "to fall short, leave out," from en- "in" + leipein "to leave." Grammatical sense first recorded 1612.

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