Wednesday, January 1, 2014


schmaltz \shmahlts, shmawlts\, noun:
1. Informal. exaggerated sentimentalism, as in music or soap operas.
2. fat or grease, especially of a chicken.
The declining use of schmaltz, once a favored ingredient for spreading, frying, and flavoring, is a case in point. Formerly common delicacies, well loved among the immigrant and second generations, are relegated to the status of fond memory.
-- Anne Kaplan, Marjorie Hoover, Willard Moore, The Minnesota Ethnic Food Book, 1986
"...And I'm not going to argue with you because you can argue the schmaltz out of a matzoh and I haven't got the strength for that today."
-- Rhoda Lerman, God's Ear: A Novel, 1989
Schmaltz comes from the Yiddish shmalts and the German Schmaltz meaning "fat." It entered English in the 1930s.

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