Thursday, December 4, 2008



incursion \in-KUR-zhuhn; -shuhn\, noun:

1. a sudden attack; invasion, raid
2. a running or flowing in

Jerina's bulwarks failed to protect Bosnia from the last great incursion against Europe from the East, the invasions of Ottoman Turk armies into the southeastern corner of the continent beginning in the fourteenth century.
-- Chuck Sudetic, Blood and Vengeance
This evening there wasn't even a truck in the yard, so there was no one to notice the individual leaning on the molded balustrade of the balcony, except perhaps for a pair of seagulls out on patrol, two white specks drifting across the sky.
-- Victor Pelevin, The Life Of Insects (Translated by Andrew Browmfield)

by 1432 "hostile attack," from Latin incursionem "a running against," from incurrere

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