Monday, December 8, 2008



sequacious \sih-KWAY-shuhs\, adjective:

1. proceeding smoothly and regularly
2. disposed to follow, especially slavishly

In a world peopled with limp critics and sequacious art historians the ruthlessness with which he used the battering ram of talent invariably earned my admiration and almost invariably my support.
-- John Pope-Hennessy, Learning to Look
By which she did not mean a sequacious helpmeet to the Man of the House, picking up his dirty underwear and serving him Budweisers during commercials.
-- Bill Kauffman, The Way of Love, Whole Earth, July 2000
Reminds one of the liberal journalist who was shocked Richard Nixon got elected because she didn't know anyone who had voted for him. That's what you get when you surround yourself with sequacious lefties.
-- Thomas Mitchell, Gore's new testament of liberal gobbledygook, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 6/3/2007

by 1640, "given to following leaders," from Latin sequac-, stem of sequax "that follows, a follower," from sequi "to follow"

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