Wednesday, October 30, 2013


crepuscule \kri-PUHS-kyool, KREP-uh-skyool\, noun:

twilight; dusk.

But when he awoke at length there was a great Phoenix brooding with spread wings above his prostrate form, its white plumage like a ghostly crepuscule and its red eyes glowing close against his own pallid and fervent face.
-- Arthur Edward Waite, The Quest of the Golden Stairs, 1893
For that is Anayat in the crepuscule, purple and mellow, sparkling and warm and effulgent when there is a moon, cool and heady and sensuous when there is no moon.
-- Arturo B. Rotor, "Zita," 1937

Crepuscule entered English around the year 1400 from the Latin meaning "twilight, dusk, darkness."

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