Thursday, October 3, 2013


emanate \EM-uh-neyt\, verb:

1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Synonyms: arise, spring, flow.
2. to send forth; emit.

"Philosophy and the arts are but a manifestation of the intelligible ideas that move the public mind; and thus they become visible images of the nations whence they emanate…"
-- Lydia Marie Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836
...but that that intellectual face bespoke the mind at work is certain, and from one so pure and lovely could emanate nothing but what was innocent and good.
-- Frederick Marryat, Snarleyyow, or, the Dog Fiend, 1837

Emanate came to English in the mid-1700s from the Latin emanare literally meaning "to flow out."

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